104 - 9 Attributes to Help You Become More Christlike

Following the path of Jesus Christ means many different things to different people, so how do we know what to do when we’re told to “be more Christlike”? In this episode, your host Donald Kelly shares nine attributes of Christ with you so that you can incorporate them into your life.

Faith in Christ

  • When you trust and have faith in Christ, you become closer to the spirit, and that gives you the strength to do great things.

  • Donald shares a story of when his faith and prayer helped him through a challenging housing situation.


  • Optimism and perseverance will help you work through all of the difficulties you face.

  • Hope helps us overcome discouragement and have a positive view of the future.


  • Just like how Christ helped many people, even those society often would not help, we should develop the kind of love that helps us to serve others.

  • This kind of love has no strings attached and is not self-centered.


  • A virtuous person will push away thoughts that are not Christlike, even when no one is watching.

  • Virtuous people obey God’s commandments, follow the advice of Church leaders, pray for help to overcome sinful thoughts, and quickly repent when they do make mistakes.


  • Study scriptures every day so that you can better understand the word of God.

  • When you become familiar with the scriptures, you can help teach others about your faith.


  • Patience is the ability to do God’s will and accept his timing.

  • Easier said than done! When you’re feeling the strain of not being happy with the way things are, take a breath, and remember that God’s timing is better than ours.


  • Humility is acceptance and acknowledgment of God’s power and love. Being humble is not a sign of weakness – it is a sign of spiritual strength.

  • Pride is the opposite of humility and is condemned in the scriptures.


  • Steadfast, constant, and earnest effort in doing the Lord’s work.

  • When you face tough moments, stay strong and keep taking positive action.


  • This means following the calling of God, even if you don’t always understand His reasons.

  • Through obedience, you achieve freedom in another sense – you gain the capability to do much more.

“This is not a one-and-done thing, it’s an ongoing thing. Be more Christlike. Seek to perfect these attributes in your day-to-day life and, I promise you, you’ll have peace, you’ll have joy, you’ll have happiness.” – Donald Kelly

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