This podcast, first and foremost, is about becoming who we are truly meant to be. No matter what life we are born into, we all have the power to draw closer to God. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly shares three key things he has learned from hosting this podcast – they have helped him on his journey and we hope they will help you, too.
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Getting sucked into material, earthly things happens to us all. You’re not alone if you’ve ever pushed back your church-related activities to take care of work or family. So how do you balance all of the important things in life? In this episode of Changing, your host Donald Kelly gives you three ways to find your eternal perspective so that you can prioritize what truly matters.
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Following the path of Jesus Christ means many different things to different people, so how do we know what to do when we’re told to “be more Christlike”? In this episode, your host Donald Kelly shares nine attributes of Christ with you so that you can incorporate them into your life.
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As we move past the resurrection Sunday, we are reminded of the pain of loss that comes with death. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly shares five ways we can cope with the pain of grief and mourning.
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Happy Easter, listeners! Each year, Easter is an awesome time to celebrate, spend time with friends and loved ones, and enjoy the beginning of longer, warmer days. But we all know there’s so much more to this holiday than chocolate bunnies and hunting for eggs – so what’s it all about? In this episode of Changing, Donald talks with us about the resurrection and its significance on this special day.
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If you or someone you know are going through a difficult time right now, you’re not alone. Whether you’re facing financial struggles, marital issues, workplace challenges, or something completely different, the Lord is always with you. There’s no shame in asking for help, especially from God, who will strengthen you every step of the way.
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When you’re faced with temptation over and over, it can make you feel like those temptations have some strength and power over you. While being faced with temptation will push you to choose your faith time and time again, each time you overcome, you grow. In this episode, Donald Kelly talks about facing repetitions of the same temptation, and offers some tips for how you can find strength in those difficult moments.
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Acts of service help bring us closer to God. Through selfless acts of kindness and care, we become more Christ-like in our ways and help those around us feel the power of God. Not only that, but when we serve God’s children, we serve God as well. In this episode, Donald shares a story about a time when he participated in an act of service with his congregation.
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In this episode, Donald takes us through the miracle when Jesus healed a man suffering from palsy (Mark 2:1). You’ll hear how Jesus cured this man of his affliction, and how it was the faith of the man and his community that helped get him there. Just like the man whose illness was cured, face your challenges with strength and faith, and surround yourself with folks who will support you.
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One of the most powerful things we can do as humans on this earth is to show love and compassion to the people around us through our actions. When we have blessings in our lives, nothing can bring us closer to God than to share those blessings with those who are experiencing times of need. In this episode, Donald gets into how to properly give alms without being self-interested and offers some ideas on how you can show love in your community.
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There are times in life when we stumble, and mistakes are sometimes made. How you respond to your wrongdoings is part of what defines your character - if your response to committing a sin is on this list, you’re not going to take steps to improve yourself. In this episode, Donald lays out seven phrases that won’t help your spiritual growth, and why you should leave them behind.
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Helping our children connect with the gospel is one of our most important jobs as parents. So what holds us back? Maybe the idea sounds good to you, but you haven’t been able to put it into practice yet. Maybe you’re waiting for that perfect evening when everything aligns to give you the opportunity, and that never seems to come. Maybe you’re not sure how to help your children understand how important the scripture is to you. Whatever the reason, let this episode be what helps you get Family Bible Study started in your home.
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Even the most devoutly spiritual people among us face temptation. But temptation is not just something to be feared - it can be an opportunity to become stronger if we know how to handle it. In this episode, Donald gives you five tips for overcoming temptation so that you can feel prepared and empowered when you find yourself in a compromising situation, and avoid sin.
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In this episode, Donald dives into the topic of personal revelation. We are reminded that revelation is not only for prophets and apostles but for everyone. It is the inspiration we individually receive from God to help us on our way. It may come in different forms, and as Donald’s guests this week show us, sometimes all we must do is ask. It is then up to us to heed the word of God and let this guide us in our lives.
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In this episode, Donald gives us guidance on how we can support new members who are in transition on the path to God. Whether they are just switching churches or leaving behind a harmful lifestyle, all new members need to feel welcome. You’ll hear 7 methods you can use to help shepherd new members along their journey.
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God is our shepherd; Even when we lose our way, He can herd us back. In today’s episode of Changing, our host Donald Kelly meets with Cristina Cano to talk about how she lost her way, but returned to Christ.
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We’ve all received that mandate from Jesus Christ that we need to see others as He would. However, many of us struggle to see others as He would. In today’s episode of Changing, our host Donald Kelly meets with Jon Diaz to discuss how we can see others as Christ would.
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Our spirituality is something we should all strive to protect and grow. In today’s episode of Changing, our host Donald Kelly goes over a spiritually harmful practice you should leave in the past year.
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Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are a lot of different traditions across the globe. Traditions and customs may vary but they all center on Jesus Christ. In this episode we're going to highlight some of those traditions.
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Donald’s guest today is Kurt Francom, host of the podcast Leading Saints. A show where he speaks with other leaders about leadership concepts in the context of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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